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Aguambiente will be in Canagua & Energía 2017
150 150 Aguambiente

The 11th edition of Canagua will count on with the presence of Aguambiente who will take part as an exhibitor and as a speaker with an exposition about water treatment case…

World Water Day 2017. Opportunity to water recycling
150 150 Aguambiente

As every year, World Water Day celebrates the 22nd of March. The theme of this year is Wastewater The World Water Day initiative appeared in 1993 from the United Nations General Assembly and…

Aguambiente develop new materials on NUMASTA project
150 150 Aguambiente

Aguambiente is developing new materials in NUMASTA project in collaboration with Indemat, CARTIF y la UVa Aguambiente is working on a new project which is going to develop new materials for…