Aguambiente, specialists in wastewater treatment, renews its commitment with Unicef and its campaign Multiply for childhood
The company from Valladolid, Aguambiente SL, which since its inception in 1990 has collaborated with UNICEF every year, has participated for the sixth consecutive year to the initiative Multiply for Childhood. This program is designed especially for small and medium enterprises whose objective is to mobilize resources in favor of the children education in Africa.
The renewal of the collaboration agreement between both organizations has been signed by the Acting President of UNICEF Committee Castilla y León, Montaña Benavides, and the Manager of Aguambiente, Santiago Salcedo. Ainhoa Salcedo delivers the contribution of Aguambiente to the President and Rocío Gutiérrez (Coordinator).
The funds -2,500 €- are destined to Schools for Africa, an initiative of UNICEF with the Nelson Mandela Foundation and the Peter Krämer Foundation. It provides an opportunity for children in Africa to access quality education and dream of a better future. Currently, some 57 million children do not go to school and the lowest rates of schooling correspond to sub-Saharan Africa, where only 2 out of every 3 children of school age have access to education.
From Aguambiente we encourage other small and medium companies to contribute their bit.