
Conference by Aguambiente about Environmental Authorization at Bio Oil 2007
150 150 Aguambiente

In last Bio Oil 2007, celebrated in A Coruña, Aguambiente, gave a lecture about Environmental Authorization in producing biofuel. In the act there were more than 250 assistants. besides the company was…

Aguambiente, specialist in wastewater industry treatment at Bio Oil 2007
150 150 Aguambiente

Aguambiente S.L. will be present at the 2nd Bio Oil Show in 2007. This show will be held in A Coruña on the 6th, 7th and 8th of March in 2007. The…

1ST Expobioenergia show, Aguambiente leader reference in wastewater traitment
150 150 Aguambiente

Over 125 exhibitors, associated with the bioenergy sector, attended the first Expobioenrgía Show 2006. Aguambiente attended this show where it put on display all the latest equipment and advances in industrial…

Aguambiente, water depuration company, will attend Expobioenergy 2006
150 150 Aguambiente

Aguambiente S.L. will attend the first Expobioenergy Show in 2006, which will be held in Valladolid from the 19th to the 22nd of October. Aguambiente has developed various WWTP projects in the…

Aguambiente, specialist in processes: activated, Bio-Ring, FADAR, H-Bio, Bio-Double and Multiple Stage and anaerobic reactors, in Expoquimia 2005
150 150 Aguambiente

Once again, Aguambiente attended Expoquimia, the International Chemistry Show, which is the scenario of the largest meeting of applied chemistry of the Mediterranean area and is a mandatory appointment for up-to-date information. This…

Aguambiente, specialist in wastewater treatment, in Tecnoalimentaria 2005
150 150 Aguambiente

Aguambiente was present at TECNOALIMETARIA 2005, the first show in the technology sector for the Spanish food industry.. The Liqma hall was where this firm was located and was able to…