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Aguambiente completes the installation and commissioning of a WWTP in an oil industry factory 250 m3 /day
150 150 Aguambiente

Aguambiente completes the installation and commissioning of a WWTP The Wastewater treatment plant consists of a W-Tank® homogenization tank from which the water is pumped to a physical-chemical treatment by…

Collaboration between Aguambiente and Lanzadera Valladolid Senior 2018
150 150 Aguambiente

We receive the visit of Lanzadera Valladolid Senior 2018 in our facilities Lanzadera Valladolid Senior 2018 has visited us for collaborating in future recruitments of staff within the activity that develops…

Cristina González, from Aguambiente, awarded with the “Special Mention” in Premios Ingenieros VA
150 150 Aguambiente

Cristina González has been awarded with the “Special mention to most outstanding project” in the second edition of Premios Ingenieros VA for the WWTP Project at Soria Natural Cristina González,…

World Water Day 2018: Nature-based solutions for water
150 150 Aguambiente

Every year, we celebrate the World Water Day on 22nd of March to focus on the importance of water as a fundamental component in sustainable development “The answer is in nature”…

Aguambiente, in FoodTech Barcelona 2018
150 150 Aguambiente

Aguambiente will take part as exhibitor in FoodTech Barcelona from the 8th to 11th of May Aguambiente will be present in the next edition of the fair FoodTech Barcelona 2018. This edition will…

Aguambiente, specialized experts in water treatment
150 150 Aguambiente

waste water since 1990 Aguambiente is constantly working in the study of new processes which improve the performance of the WWTP (waste water treatment plants) and the cost saving in water management.…

Arcoi & Aguambiente, Tank Cleaning specialists
150 150 Aguambiente

Since their inception until today, they have neraly half a hundred references in Tank Cleaning Areas The Tank Cleaning sector opened their doors and, now,  they are leader companies. Currently, Aguambiente (Waste…

Aguambiente collaborates with Unicef for sixth year in a row
150 150 Aguambiente

Aguambiente, specialists in wastewater treatment, renews its commitment with Unicef and its campaign Multiply for childhood The company from Valladolid, Aguambiente SL, which since its inception in 1990 has collaborated with UNICEF every year,…

The graduates from UVA leave 380 work practices vacancies
150 150 Aguambiente

Engineering, Telecommunications and IT add up to more than 200 vacancies in relevant positions Aguambiente, one of the Industrial Engineering companies mentioned along with Aciturri Composites, Aquomna, Cognizant, Antolín Group, Renault, Entrepinares…

New water courses in Valladolid
150 150 Aguambiente

Aguambiente wants to invite you to watch this report about water management in Valladolid. It was made by Daniel García, Tamara Armijo and Sonsoles Rivera (Degree in Journalism) and Andrea Frizza (Degree…