Aguambiente, supply, purification and maintenance of the Drinking Water Treatment Plant of Pesquera de Duero

150 150 Aguambiente

Public Corporation for the Environment (Somacyl) awarded the construction of water infrastructure and water treatment supplies for the Pesquera de Duero town in Valladolid.

Once completed the construction works and after undertaking the implementation Aguambiente Pesquera de Duero continue seeing to the maintenance of the plant.

The work has provide the location of a water treatment plant capable of treating water to 50m3/hour improving capacity and quality of actually treatment, that would benefit 550 inhabitants.

Under the agreement signed last July 28th of 2010 by Somacyl with local entities, the Public Corporation for the Environment is responsible bid and award, direction and supervision of works, as well as exploitation, conservation and maintenance facility for a period of 25 years.

News on media:

Europa Press

El Norte de Castilla

El Día de Valladolid
