Aguambiente is awarded the tender of the Spanish Royal Mint

150 150 Aguambiente

Aguambiente has been awarded the tender to carry out the technical support for the operation and maintenance service of the wastewater treatment station of the paper factory
After technical analysis of the current situation at the treatment station, the mission of Aguambiente, as a specialist in industrial and urban wastewater treatment, shall be to present improvement proposals, to optimise energy consumption, chemical consumption and the reuse of water for the process.

The plant currently consists of coarse straining, pre-treatment with rotating sieve, homogenisation and neutralisation to control the pH, chemical treatment by floatation and sludge treatment.

The support of Aguambiente’s Technical Department composed of engineers with extensive experience in the treatment of urban and industrial effluents and their own laboratory with automated equipment for performing analyses, tests and sampling, will make optimum management of the plant and improved performance possible.